Publish your profile on & get contacted by millions of employers from around the world
It's super easy & takes 5 mins to post Job Request
Create an awesome profile to get attention of employers & recruiters
Receive exclusive job offers directly from employers & recruiters
Czym jest wniosek o pracę?
Job Request is a request that you post for a job that you are currently looking for.
Employers contact you directly and offer you various exciting jobs. You are free to choose whichever job you like.
How much does it cost to publish Job Request on
You can post for free or buy premium subscription.
Jak długo moje zapytanie o pracę jest publikowane na
It is published for unlimited time. You can activate or deactivate as you wish.
How many Job Requests can I post on
Możesz opublikować wiele wniosków o pracę dla różnych stanowisk, których szukasz.